Monday, September 30, 2019

Military Spending Essay

Examine the extent to which expenditure on arms and the armed forces is justifiable in the modern world. With all its wars, terrorist attacks and genocides, history might suggest that the armed forces has a critical and unquestionable role in any nation-state. However, as Steven Pinker puts it â€Å"We believe our world is riddled with terror and war, but we may be living in the most peaceable era in human existence’. Since the peak of the cold war in the 1970s and 80s, organised conflicts of all kinds, such as civil wars, genocides, repression by autocratic governments, terrorist attacks, have declined throughout the world and their death tolls have declined even more precipitously. Despite the trend of the New Peace, world military expenditure in 2013 is estimated to have reach $1.747 trillion and 2012 saw the highest total military spending than in any year since World War 2. Are these military spendings a good return on its national-security â€Å"investment’, for it is clearly an investment intended for peace and security. This essay aims to show that expenditure on arms and armed forces are justifiable in the modern world to a very small extent because it facilitates violence, results in power imbalance and its money can be put to better use. First, expenditure on arms and armed forces is not justifiable as such military spendings facilitate violence and thus violates human rights. Countries without military capability cannot easily undertake â€Å"wars of choice† or wars whose purposes evolve, as in Iraq, from dismantling wars of mass destruction to promoting democracy. The last five major wars that the United States undertook, namely Korea 1950, Vietnam 1955, Kuwait 1990, Afghanistan 2001 and Iraq 2003 were the ones in which the United States attacked countries that had not directly attacked the United States. Furthermore, wars involving powers that have the military and economic capability allows for such conflicts to exist for prolonged periods of time. For example, four out of the five wars mentioned above are still unresolved. The United States possession of military establishment that has a capability far beyond its ability to defend the homeland hence gives it a capability to undertake wars of choice, to the extent that Vietnam and Iraq prove to be miscalculations and strategic blunders. In the UK, the Ministry of Defence redefines the purpose of the armed forces as â€Å"meeting a wider range of expeditionary tasks, at greater range from the UK and with everincreasing strategic, operational and tactical tempo† which â€Å"could only conceivably be undertaken alongside the US†. This means that their ‘defence capability’ is now retained for the purpose of offence. Expenditure on arms and armed forces is hence not justified on the grounds that they facilitate violence in the world as countries claim moral authority to launch attacks on other countries in the name of benign foreign intervention. Second, the disproportionate expenditure on arms and the armed forces is not justifiable because wars are no longer the biggest threat to a nation. A report published by the Oxford Research Group argues that modern defence policies are self-defeating. They concentrate on the wrong threats and respond to them in a manner which is more likely to exacerbate than to defuse them. The real challenges, it contends, are presented by climate change, competition over resources, the marginalisation of the poor and our own military deployments. By displacing people from their homes and exacerbating food shortages, climate change will cause social breakdown and mass migration. Competition for resources means that the regions which possess them – particularly the Middle East – will remain the focus of conflict. As improved education is not matched by better prospects for many of the world’s poor, the resulting sense of marginalisation provides a more hospitable environment for insurrection. Aids leaves a generation of orphaned children vulnerable to recruitment by paramilitary groups and criminal gangs. The war on terror has created the threats it was supposed to defeat, by driving people to avenge the civilians it has killed. By developing new weapons of mass destruction, the rich nations challenge others to try to match them. In 2012, the United States allocated 37% of its budget on military spendings but only 2% on diplomacy, development and war  prevention. This is also more than spendings on healthcare and responses to poverty combined. The budget would contribute far more to security if it was spent on energy efficiency, foreign aid and arms control. Furthermore, the danger and paradox of military spending is that the bigger the budget, the more powerful the lobby because which can fight for its own survival. This leads to loose budget   constraints and poor control over spendings and programmes. In Saudi, the corrupt relations that have been cultivated with the princes result in civil servants defending not the realm but the arms companies. Even in countries with reputable governments such as the UK, some abuses in military activities arise because Congress cannot possibly effectively oversee such a large operation where programs involving $24 billion are enacted as a single line item. Hence, military spendings intention of protecting the state may be compromised by other motivations. Last, the expenditure on arms and armed forces is not justifiable because the disproportionate distribution of military expenditure leads to an unjustifiable imbalance of power. In 2013, nearly four-fifths of all military expenditure was made by 15 states and just 2 states, the United States and China, made nearly half of all military expenditure. American primacy in the global distribution of capabilities is one of the most salient features of the contemporary international system. Their expenditures on arms is more than the next 14 countries combined together. This extraordinary imbalance leads to a unipolar world likely to be built around rules and institutions as desired by the United States. The extent to which the powerful countries can translate its formidable capabilities into meaningful political influence is debatable as the United State’s selective involvement in Vietnam or Iraq but lack thereof in Cambodia during the Khmer Rouge era seems to reflect that America’s foreign policy , especially after  2001, has been a reflection simply of the idiosyncratic and provocative strategies of the Bush administration itself rather than a manifestation of the deeper structural features of the global system of power. Hence, expenditure on arms and armed forces is justifiable to a small extent as it has allowed for the presence of many ‘bullies’ on the world stage. However, expenditure on armed forces can also be justified as nations do have the sovereignty and right to protect their own nations. Ironically due to the current situation of massive military spendings, the world is still vulnerable to threats, especially from terrorism, in the modern century. The drastic increase in United State’s military spending in the last decade can also be justified by the September 11 terrorist attacks. Hence, it is in the nation’s interests to be as prepared as they possibly can. Since the beginning of civilisations, violence has had an unmistakable role in societies and there is little evidence to indicate its extinction in the near future. Some argue that it is human nature to challenge, oppose and expand. Furthermore, mistakes in history such as when Neville Chamberlain wanted to cut Defence spending in Britain and â€Å"appease Hitler† to achieve â€Å"peace in our time† have resulted in world leaders who are well guarded against making the same mistakes. Military capability is also an important source of legitimacy for governments. For countries like the United States, their formidable military capability is also a source of national identity and pride. From yet another perspective, it is also the responsibility of governments to deliver and ensure that the security of its people is ensured within its means as stated in Rousseau’s social contract. Under these arguments, the expenditure on arms and armed forces still seem to have a justifiable place in a country’s budget. Yet, it is important to keep in mind that there are means other than a larger military force to ensure these security needs are met. Despite the initial failures of League of Nations, defence treaties such as NATO founded in 1949  are encouraging initiatives that have successfully reduced military spendings. The organisation constitutes a system of collective defence whereby its member states agree to mutual defence in response to an attack by any external party. Such institutions allow smaller nations to rely on the more powerful ones so that their budget can be more efficiently allocated to build their economies and such is the case in countries like Hungary, Poland and Ukraine. History shows that countries can reduce spendings quickly if they so desire. In the United states, military spendings declined by 74 percent in the first year after World War II and 23 percent in the first two years after the Korean War ended. Today’s slow decline in spending on obsolete systems arises not because of the increasing threat of war but because there are weak budgetary and virtually non-existent political pressures on military spendings. Given that expenditures on arms and armed forces facilitate violence, leads to inefficient allocation of budgets and global power imbalances, it is justified to a very small extent.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Essays by American Minorities Essay

1. The Age of White Guilt by: Shelby Steele In this essay written by African American Shelby Steele, he tells of the hard times of his people. He leads the reader through his experiences in the civil rights movement and compares the life of an African American in the 1960’s and one in the present day. He writes that African Americans today would have to use ever ounce of their intelligence and imagination to find reasons for them not to succeed in today’s society. He goes on to say that African Americans use the harm done for them in the past and try to use it as guilt for the white Americans. It goes on to explain the importance in fighting for a cause in a group and not breaking off as individuals. 2. I’m Black, your white, who’s innocent? By: Shelby Steele In this essay by Shelby Steele, he tells about the inequality of blacks even in today’s society. I think it also shows the tenderness in the subject of racism and inequality even today. He also writes of how he used to use white liability against white Americans and how it gave him much guilt. He also tells how young African Americans still blame racial problems to be the motivation of many things done by African Americans. He says that an African American that points out white shame is showing power and that when whites respond with silence that that is also a gesture of power. He ends with saying that that whites and blacks truly fear the sacrifices that come with total racial harmony. 3. I hated Tonto by: Sherman Alexie In this essay written by Native American Sherman Alexie, he points out the racial stereotypes that accompany the Native Americans that were given to them by America and the rest of the world. He tells of how he used to accept the racial stereotypes of his people when he was a kid but now he understands how embarrassing the stereotypes were. 4. Why don’t we complain by: William Buckley This essay by William Buckley tells of the difficulties of society and how, instead of taking action when we are mistreated, we just stand by and let the violators have their way. It also tells of how people often wait on others to take action instead on doing so themselves. He says this is because we are afraid to make our voices heard and afraid that someone will get their feelings hurt. He also says that when we do complain, we shouldn’t do so in a calm voice like you are scared but in a bold, demanding voice that lets the person know that you mean business. He says that Americans are not comfortable taking actions in difficult situations because we live in an age of technology where we rely on machines and computers to do things for us, but in earlier times, if we needed something we got up and did it. 5. Just Walk on By by: Brent Staples This essay written by Brent Staples tells of the first time the author experienced a negative reaction from someone just because he was black. He tells of how he noticed signs of fear when people saw him and realized that most of Chicago’s rapists and muggers were black and that his appearance could cause fear. He tells of how society tells us that we should be tough and shouldn’t back down and how some young men take this literally and get into trouble. Essays on the Use and Power of English 1. Politics in the English Language by: George Orwell This essay written by George Orwell tells of the inaccurate and misuse of the English language in today’s society. He says that instead of â€Å"foolish thoughts† coming from language, language comes from foolish thoughts. He also says that metaphors and other types of figurative language used today do not lead to concrete ideas. He says that vagueness is the most common characteristic of the English language. 2. How English is Evolving into a Language we might not understand by: Michael Erard This essay by Michael Erard tells of how the English language is being used in many other countries including China but is not being thoroughly explained which leads to misuse of words and different pronunciations. He tells of how China and other Asian countries are making changes to the languages such as pronunciation of vowels and words. He also says that Asians will introduce tone to the English language which means if a word is pronounced with a different tone it means a different word. He tells the reader that there is nothing wrong with the language and it is just as proper as any other English and that it might even be more efficient. 3. Do Our Writers Abuse the English Language? by: Dr. Rossiter Johnson This essay written by Dr. Rossiter Johnson tells of the criticism from our cousins the English against American writers. It tells of how the British criticism is accompanied by their idea of our ignorance. It tells that the British believe that there is no way that American writers can possibly improve when it comes to proper use of the English language. Johnson then points out some British writers that have misused the language such as Grey and Dean Alford. He tells of the words of Sydney Smith, a British critic that said who reads American books? Who goes to an American play? Who looks at an American picture or statue? Who sleeps in American blankets? What do we owe to American surgeons and physicians? He responds to these words by telling of how Americans have surpassed these accomplishments and have proved Smith wrong. 4. Importance of English in India by: Rajesh Mohan. This essay by Rajesh Mohan is about the role of the English language in India and how it is the language that bonds all the other languages together in the Indian sub continent. The reason English bonds these regions together is because everyone understands it and so that makes it a common language to everyone. It also tells of how English is good for countries who are trying to expand and grow and that Indians recommend other countries to learn English. 5. How English Became a Global Language by: Jennifer Claerr This essay by Jennifer Claerr tells how English has become one of the most commonly spoken languages in the world. She says it is mostly because of its effectiveness. She says that the other reason the world is comfortable with English is because it uses a Romanic alphabet which is easier for Easterners to grasp than other alphabets. The English language is used heavily in television, movies, products, ads, and everything else that many non native speakers feel that they should learn it. So in conclusion this is the reason that English has over 1 billion speakers both native and non native.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Apocalypse Now, by Francis Ford Coppola (War in Vietnam) Movie Review

Apocalypse Now, by Francis Ford Coppola (War in Vietnam) - Movie Review Example ion concerning the realities, which the members of the American armed forces had to undergo during the Vietnam War and the actions which they took to ensure that they survived it and returned home. Throughout the film, one will find that all of the actors have become absorbed into their roles and because of this absorption; they are able to depict the events of the war in a manner which is as close to reality as possible. There are instances in the film when the scenes become extremely emotional, as some of the characters have to deal with diverse issues that affect their lives during the war. It is during these moments that the audience gets a picture of how the soldiers who were involved directly in Vietnam were forced to undergo psychological torment over the various actions which they had to carry out, however futile, in order to ensure that the war was won. One of the themes that one finds in the film is that of depression and war weariness and some of the characters in various scenes depict this during the course of the film. In the film, the American soldiers are depicted as having to live lives in a manner which is not relaxed and that they have to constantly be on the look out to ensure that they do not fall victim to enemy attacks. For the most part, the film shows these individuals as having to live their lives on edge, not knowing whether they will be attacked in the next minute or not and having to either fight off or run away from the constant dangers that they encounter in the jungles of Vietnam. The result of living such lives is that it begins to take a toll on the way that they associate with each other and how they perceive the world around them. The result is that some of the characters, such as Chef and Lance undergo such mental strain that they are more often than not shown being under the influence of drugs. A scene i s depicted where due to Chef’s craving for mangoes; he and Willard go to the jungle where they encounter a tiger that

Friday, September 27, 2019

Retail and Investment Banking in the UK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Retail and Investment Banking in the UK - Essay Example Even though the face of banking may change, the functionality may not be altered in many cases. This, therefore, means that the need to come up with strategies to accommodate the change is necessary. One of the strategies that are brought forward is the use of separation of investment banking from the retail section of banking. Separation of retail banking from investment banking is a strategy that is required as a measure to increase financial stability within a national economy. In this separation, the banks either specialize to perform retail or investment banking in an arrangement known as ring-fencing of the banks (Coppola, 5, September 2014 ). In this arrangement, a local subsidiary of a bank that takes the deposits of local customers is protected from the parent corporation through trade bans and deposits security mechanisms (Song 2004, pp 19). In this way, the deposits of the local customers are protected from external shocks of the economic uncertainties that the large international corporations could have exposed them to. In Great Britain (2012, pp11), the rules that set up the conditions for ring-fenced banks are listed. These rules set the prohibitions that are set for the banks that are set by the regulating authority. In this essay, the effectiveness of the separation of retail banking and investment banking are discussed. The focus of the essay remains if the separation can really bear intended fruits or collapse and the possible consequences of the separation. Investment banking provides services and funds to different sectors of the economy. In doing this, investment banking exposes utilizes the financial capital that is majorly drawn from the savings or deposits of the clients. It means that in a worst-case scenario, if the economic forces force the investments to collapse totally, then the bank is faced with insolvency.  

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Art Presentation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Art Presentation - Essay Example This piece of work depicts the second coming of Christ, Christ’s ascension, and the Virgin Mary with Jesus on her lap. According to (Gardner, Helen, Kleiner pg), Mary’s eminence in Roman Catholic is clearly elaborated in the ornamentation of the Romanesque church Culture: The piece of architecture was established through eagerness of the Germany architects to embrace the architectural style from French Gothic. Initially, Germans expressed themselves through sculptures and according to (Gardner, Helen, Kleiner pg), the Chartres Cathedral art piece marked a new era in art and architecture in Germany. The Carolingian artwork can trace its origin when Charlemagne was at the helm of the new Roman Emperor in the year 800. To commemorate his achievement, Charlemagne revived the culture, art and political ideals for the new Holy Roman Emperor. The Carolingian artwork was characterized by illuminated manuscripts that Charlemagne brought during his many visits to North Europe. His era experienced the transformation of Carolingian art to classical style borrowed from Italy. A phenomenal Carolingian artwork is the image of St. Mark Gospels from Ebbo. The figure depicts a moment of frenzy and revitalization. In addition, the piece is illustrated in three-dimensional form and in a landscape. The artwork stands tall for the era since most of the artworks in the era were oriented on the ground. The architects of ottonian era advanced the skills and expertise inherited from the Carolingian architects after the fall of the United Holy Empire. Unlike the Carolingian architects, they also implemented Byzantine knowledge in order to customize architectural concepts for a unique identity. The era experienced intermarriages with the Byzantine, an incident that brought about a merge in the artwork and architecture. The Byzantine styles had a considerable influence on the presentation and orientation of the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Instrumentation in Human Bioscience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Instrumentation in Human Bioscience - Essay Example A discussion of the methods reveals that all have their advantages as well as their disadvantages. The Skinfold Caliper is the most widely used method to determine the amount of body fat. It uses a set of mechanical calipers to measure skinfold thickness at key points on the body. The measurements are then referenced to a chart, which infers the percent of body fat. Though the tools are simple, inexpensive, and relatively non-invasive, the procedure requires a high degree of training to obtain reliable results. The typical accuracy of a correctly administered Skinfold measurement is plus or minus 3 percent (Doyle 1998). This is a marked increase over the universal Body Mass Index (BMI), which compares height to weight and results in an accuracy of 5 to 6 percent. (FitnessGram 2003). A more recent addition to the available methods is the use of the Bioelectrical Impedance Analyser (BIA). This instrument operates on the principle that fat retains less water than muscle. The increased percentage of water in muscle makes it a better electrical conductor and by measuring a body's resistance to current flow, we can measure the body's fat content. This non-invasive technique is well suited for a wide range of subjects including elderly and disabled. The measurement is fast, easy to use, and is able to be used with a minimum of training due to a direct electronic readout. The cost is comparable to the Skinfold calipers and the accuracy obtained is similar to the Skinfold method. However, to attain this accuracy care must be taken to void the subject of alcohol, urine and other liquids for up to 48 hours prior to administering the test (Doyle 1998). These variables all have the potential to impact the accuracy negatively. A more recent method to measure body fat is Dual Energy X-ray Absorpitometry (DEXA). DEXA is a low-level x-ray that measures not only muscle and fat, but also uses bone mineral content as a factor in body composition (Doyle 1998). The technique uses a safe level of x-ray radiation, is non-invasive, and the subject requires no preparation. Though DEXA is costly and requires a high degree of training, it's accuracy exceeds both the Skinfold and BIA methods (Doyle 1998). In measuring the potential for good or diseased health one must also consider and analyse the expired air of the subject. Through measurement of the CO2 and O2 components of expired air, calculations can indicate a healthy metabolic function or detect areas of concern with respect to the subject's overall fitness and health (Jacobs, Mintz, and Nash 1999). The method of assessment most commonly used is known as Indirect Calorimetry (Measuring Energy Expenditure). The method involves the collection of expired air over a given time period and the subsequent analysis of the CO2 and O2 components. The method has some variations in the collection apparatus as well as the means used to analyse the gases. The Douglas Bag is a direct method used to collect expired air. It is considered to be clumsy, due to it's 200-litre bag size, and interferes with the subject's activity while under test. Air is sampled for approximately 10 minutes and then the gas is measured in a dry gas analyser (Messer, Pelto, and Pelto 1989). A less bulky apparatus used to collect expired air is the K.M Respirometer. Smaller and more portable than the Douglas bag, it has gained popularity and is a more widely used method. The technique of

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Write a 3 page response to an argument presented in the reading Essay

Write a 3 page response to an argument presented in the reading - Essay Example The author points out however that happiness is a subjective feeling and what makes one person happy does not necessarily mean it will make the other happy. Happiness is a subjective feeling which has never really been completely achieved by man throughout history. In fact as time goes and years passes, happiness continues to dwindle and people become more frustrated and cases of neurotics increase. Civilization has in fact contributed greatly to the reduction of happiness in man. This is so because humans are under more pressure now and life is much more complicated than it was during the earlier years of primitive living and conditions. This is evidenced by the writing of the writer â€Å"†¦what we call our civilization is largely responsible for our misery, and that we should be much happier if we gave it up and returned to primitive conditions (Freud 33).† There is an argument that civilization has brought about technology and made man superior to the nature but this in the end has not brought happiness â€Å"one would like to ask: is there, then, no positive gain in pleasure, no unequivocal increase in my feeling of happiness†¦?† (Freud 35). Even with development of fancy technical equipment and gadgets such as ships and telephones, people are still miserable as they do not get to be with their loved ones who are away. The technology has made people grow apart and lifestyles to change for the worse. The technological advancements and the civilizations mentioned in the article lead to development of difficult situations and restrain the life of people even more and further reduce their happiness level. Happiness as mentioned in the article is a subjective feeling and which cannot be forced on people and cannot be experienced by everyone. According to Pascal (2008), happiness is defined differently by different people and what may cause happiness to one person may not necessarily emanate the

Monday, September 23, 2019

Automobility Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Automobility - Essay Example She also thinks that automobiles enhance knowledge. She says that automobiles take us to any place from watching birds to visiting battlegrounds. She also says that automobiles enhance privacy and allow us control over our immediate environment. The reason why so many people are buying cars is because there are benefits in having a car, something that cannot be said about other means of transport. There are public transportations too such as buses and taxis. However, although these too have benefits, they do not provide privacy. Having a private car greatly increases one's mobility. The environmentalists may raise a hue and cry about the ill-effects of the car. But there is little they can do to provide alternatives (Loren Lomasky). Mathew Paterson argues that to explain the rise and subsequent dominance of automobility as a mode of transportation in contemporary societies it is necessary to examine: a) the political economy of automobility; and b) the cultural politics of automobility. How does Paterson's analysis differ from Lomasky's Matthew Paterson has used environment and the capitalist structure to highlight the reason for the rise and dominance of automobility. ... In due time the number of cars increased. Today, the population of cars is high enough to warrant their restriction by environmentalists. A richer class of people will by all means buy a car. Paterson emphasizes the centrality of the car to capitalism. Capitalism had major influence in projecting the value of the car. The capitalist ideology provided the boost to the car industry to evolve through a combination of factors that cover industrialization, taxation, employment and road construction (b) Cultural politics Transportation is not the only need for a car. The basic purpose in owning a car is indeed transportation. However, there is the aura of a culture that has evolved with the automobile. Paterson projects the social, cultural and ability to commute fast in a car that has shaped the need for a car. Unlike Loren Lomasky, he has not concentrated on the benefits of the car. He has instead focused on the underlying reasons for the evolution of the car as a necessity rather than a luxury that has made it so ubiquitous today. Paterson says that our dependence on cars must be understood from the culture that we have allowed to take root in our midst. In order to address environmental issues it is necessary to address this culture and correct the anomalies that have allowed the car to play a dominant role in our affairs (Automobile politics). Several of the authors we have read have argued that is not useful to think about "automobile" and "driver" as separate entities. Rather, they argue that we need to think about them as constituting an "assemblage," which has also been termed a "car-driver," a "driver-car," a "Carson" and several

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The purpose of sampling Essay Example for Free

The purpose of sampling Essay DQ 1: What is the purpose of sampling? What are some concerns and dangers of sampling? How important is the sample design to data validity? Explain. Provide an example where a sample might misrepresent data validity. DQ 2: What are some examples of operational definitions in research design within your profession? General Questions General General Questions QNT 561 All Week 2 Assignments – Business Research Methods Part 1 Includes: Week 2 Discussion questions 1, 2 Week 2 Learning team assignment Week 2 practice problems Week 2 Central Limit Theorem and Confidence Intervals Week 2 Business Research Methods, Part I as described below Identify and analyze a research question that applies to your organization. Prepare a 350- to 700-word milestone. Choose an organization with which your team is familiar. Develop a research question arising from an organizational dilemma. Make sure you define the problem. Determine an appropriate research design. Describe its characteristics, such as independent and dependent variables, operational definitions, and so forth. Identify a sample design to use for collecting data. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Be careful about submitting your initial draft. Allow yourself sufficient revision time. Rather than just proofreading, create a second draft. Then, proofread this draft and make any needed changes. This will ensure that no errors have been overlooked and that the quality of the writing is high. In this pack of QNT 561 Week 2 Discussion Questions you will find the next information: DQ 1: What is the purpose of sampling? What are some concerns and dangers of sampling? How important is the sample design to data validity? Follow the link to get tutorial Be careful about submitting your initial draft. Allow yourself sufficient revision time. Rather than just proofreading, create a second draft. Then, proofread this draft and make any needed changes. This will ensure that no errors have been overlooked and that the quality of the writing is high. General Questions General General Questions QNT 561 All Week 2 Assignments – Business Research Methods Part 1 Includes: Week 2 Discussion questions 1, 2 Week 2 Learning team assignment Week 2 practice problems Week 2 Central Limit Theorem and Confidence Intervals Week 2 Business Research Methods, Part I as described below Identify and analyze a research question that applies to your organization. Prepare a 350- to 700-word milestone. Choose an organization with which your team is familiar. Develop a research question arising from an organizational dilemma. Make sure you define the problem. Determine an appropriate research design. Describe its characteristics, such as independent and dependent variables, operational definitions, and so forth. Identify a sample design to use for collecting data. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Production possibilities Essay Example for Free

Production possibilities Essay The production possibility frontier PPF is a curve that shows all efficient combination of output in an economy when the factors of production have been used efficiently and optimally. (Lipsey et al 355). Assume an economy produces 2 goods (x and y) and technology is fixed and resources are fully utilized.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   To produce more units of x means that more resources will be transferred and less output of Y will be produced. The reverse is also true as production of more units of y reduces the production of X units. To produce more units of X may require that labor be increased. This reduces the labor for Y produced. Increasing the production of one good translates to increased ‘sacrifice’ or cost. The opportunity cost of producing X in terms of Y increases with the production of more ‘X’ commodity and consequently lesser units of Y are produced.   The opportunity cost increases as more of ‘X’ or ‘Y’ units are produced because although some resources may be suited for the production of both commodities some may not be efficient. For instance, diverting all laborers in X production to Y production may not yield effective results. To obtain 3 units of Y (1) unit of X is given off.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The production possibilities frontier is based on some assumptions. There are two goods or commodities in the economy and it shows the trade offs between them. It assumes that common resources are used in the production of the two commodities. There is fixed technology. Technological changes could influence the production of one good over the other. There is full employment and fixed resources. These assumptions would be more applicable in the short run as opposed to the long run. (Lipsey et al 368). Production along the curve is termed as efficient. Therefore point d, c and e are efficient points of production operating within the economy’s capacity or at optimal. Production at point (a) is attainable but inefficient. Such combination is less than what the economy is capable of producing. Resources are not optimally utilized and hence the inefficiency. Production at point (b) is attainable given the economy’s capacity.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Land, labor, capital and entrepreneurship are the common or most recognized factors of production. Land entails natural resources that are at times modified and contribute to the production processes. Land varies in terms of its fertility. It is fixed but can be improved or renovated for instance swampy areas. (Lipsey et al 400).   Labor or human capital is also an important factor of production. Labor is the human resources or people who work. They include professional engineers or technicians capital includes ‘building machinery and tools. Labor is human be it effort be it mental or physical capital is man-made goods. People have varying skills and expertise resulting to varying wages and salaries. Labor can be improved through training. Capital is mostly used to refer to ‘financial ability’ but it includes the equipment or machinery that have to be put in place for successful production of goods. Entrepreneurship refers to the risk takers who operate businesses. They receive profits as laborers receive wages.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The PPF is a downward sloping curve due to the principle of increasing costs. (Lipsey et al 370). Increasing the production of X leads to a decline in the production of Y. It is concave to origin.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Production at point (b) can only be possible when the economy experiences growth, which could be due to various factors. Increased supply of resource for instance discovery of oil would increase the supply of natural resources as an increase in population due to migration would increase labor. Improvement in technology could lead to a more efficient and effective means of production that could shift the PPF outwards.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Point (b) lies outside the PPF and the economy needs to increase its efficiency, factor resources or improve on the technology. Similar goods have a downward sloping straight line PPF showing that the opportunity cost between them is constant.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Point (a) shows that some resources are unemployed and thus wasteful. An economy could be operating at this point if some of its resources are lying idle or if the resources are being used inefficiently in production.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Using previously used inefficiently resources efficiently as well as employing previously unemployed resources would also help an economy produce at ‘b’. Operating on the curve means that resources are used effectively to producing along the curve is better for the economy. Works Cited: Lipsey, Richard and Ragan Christopher. Microeconomics. Toronto, Addison Wesley Longman. Tenth Edition. 2001.p 355-450

Friday, September 20, 2019

Applications And Use Of Complex Numbers

Applications And Use Of Complex Numbers A complex number is that number which comprises a real and an imaginary part. It is mainly written in the form a + bi, where a is real numbers, and i is the imaginary unit with b as also the real part of the imaginary portion with the property i2 = à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬â„¢1. The complex number contains the real number, but extends them by adding it to the extra number and corresponding expands the understanding of addition and multiplication. Complex numbers was first explained by Gerolamo Cardano (Italian mathematician), he called it as fictitious, when he was attempting to find the solution for the cubic equations. The solution for the cubic equation in radical function without any trigonometric form involve in it, it may need some calculations which contains the square roots of some of the digit containing negative numbers, even when the final solution was found it was of real numbers, this situation is known as casus irreducibilis. This reach ultimately to the proposition of algebra, which shows hows that with complex numbers is a explanation to occurs with every polynomial equation of the first degree or higher. Complex numbers thus form an algebraically bolted arena, where any polynomial equation partakes the root. The directions for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of complex numbers were established by Rafael Bombelli. A more abstract formalism for the complex numbers was promoted by the Irish mathematician William Rowan Hamilton, who prolonged this idea to the concept of quaternions. Complex numbers are used in a number of fields, including: engineering. When the underlying arena of numbers for a mathematical construct is the field of complex numbers, the name usually redirects that fact. Some of the examples are complex exploration, complex matrix, complex polynomial, and complex Lie algebra. Let R be the set of all real numbers. Then a complex number is of the form a + ib, Where a and b implies in R and, i2 = à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡-1. We signify the set of all complex numbers by C. a is the real part and b the imaginary part, written as a = Re z, b = Im z. i is called the imaginary unit of the complex number. If a = 0, then z = i b is a pure imaginary number. Two complex numbers are equivalent if and only if their real parts are identical and their imaginary parts are also identical. Normal Form of the Complex Number Complex Numbers contain a set of all numbers in the form a + bi where, a is the Real Part and bi is the Imaginary Part. It chances out the all numbers which may be inscribed in this form. For the numbers that are in regular Real form, there is no I part so b=0. For eg., we may write 8 as 8 + 0i. Particular numbers, like 4 + 2i, which have both a real and imaginary part, with a =4 and b = 2. And, like 9i have no Real part and may be written as 0 + 9i. We occasionally call these numbers like 9i, which have no Real part, as decently imaginary. APPLICATION AND USES OF COMPLEX NUMBER: Engineers use complex numbers in studying stresses and strains on rays and in studying resonance occurrences in structures as different as tall buildings and suspension bridges. The complex numbers come up when we see for the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix. The eigenvalues are the roots of the assured polynomial equation related with a matrix. The matrices can be quite large, possibly 100000 by 100000, and the related polynomials which is of very high degree. Complex numbers are used in studying the stream of liquids around hindrances, such as the flow around a pipe. Mathematicians practice complex numbers in so many means, but one way is in learning infinite series, like ez = 1+z+z2/2!+z3/3!+z4/4!+, Where z = x+i*y is a complex equation. This is a natural environment to learn the series than on the real stripe. We are interested in a statement that comes from the above series: it is that e(i*pi) = -1. This brief equation tells four of the most important coefficients in mathematics, e, i, pi, and 1. Our calculator can be capable to switch complex numbers. We may be able to form that e(i*t) = cos(t)+i*sin(t), From which the previous end result follows. Just let t = pi. We use complex number in following uses:- IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING The furthermost eg where we use complex numbers as it is occasionally named as from electrical engineering, where imaginary numbers are used to keep track of the amplitude and phase of an electrical oscillation, such as an audio signal, or the electrical voltage and current that power electrical appliances. Complex numbers are used a great deal in electronics. The foremost aim for this is they make the whole topic of analyzing and understanding alternating signals much easier. This seems odd at first, as the concept of using a mix of real and imaginary numbers to explain things in the real world seem crazy! Once you get used to them, however, they do make a lot of things clearer. The problem is to understand what they mean and how to use them in the first place. To help you get a clear picture of how theyre used and what they mean we can look at a mechanical example The above animation shows a rotating wheel. On the wheel there is a blue blob which goes round and round. When viewed flat on we can see that the blob is moving around in a circle at a steady rate. However, if we look at the wheel from the side we get a very different picture. From the side the blob seems to be oscillating up and down. If we plot a graph of the blobs position (viewed from the side) against time we find that it traces out a sine wave shape which oscillates through one cycle each time the wheel completes a rotation. Here, the sine-wave behavior we see when looking from the side hides the underlying behavior which is a continuous rotation. We can now reverse the above argument when considering a.c. (sine wave) oscillations in electronic circuits. Here we can regard the oscillating voltages and currents as side views of something which is actually rotating at a steady rate. We can only see the real part of this, of course, so we have to imagine the changes in the other direction. This leads us to the idea that what the oscillation voltage or current that we see is just the real portion of a complex quantity that also has an imaginary part. At any instant what we see is determined by a phase angle which varies smoothly with time The smooth rotation hidden by our sideways view means that this phase angle varies at a steady rate which we can represent in terms of the signal frequency, f. The complete complex version of the signal has two parts which we can add together provided we remember to label the imaginary part with an i or j to remind us that it is imaginary. Note that, as so often in science and engineering, there are various ways to represent the quantities were talking about here. For example: Engineers use a j to indicate the square root of minus one since they tend to use i as a current. Mathematicians use i for this since they dont know a current from a hole in the ground! Similarly, youll sometimes see the signal written as an exponential of an imaginary number, sometimes as a sum of a cosine and a sine. Sometimes the sign on the imaginary part may be negative. These are all slightly different conventions for representing the same things. (A bit like the way conventional current and the actual el ectron flow go in opposite directions) The choice doesnt matter so long as youre consistent during a specific argument. We can now consider oscillating currents and voltages as being complex values that have a real part we can measure and an imaginary part which we cant. At first it seems pointless to create something we cant see or measure, but it turns out to be useful in a number of ways. SIGNAL ANALYSIS: Complex numbers are used in signal analysis and other fields for a convenient description for periodically varying signals. For given real functions representing actual physical quantities, often in terms of sines and cosines, corresponding complex functions are considered of which the real parts are the original quantities. For a sine wave of a given frequency, the absolute value |z| of the corresponding z is the amplitude and the argument arg (z) the phase. IMAGINARY NUMBER IN REAL LIFE: Since complex numbers are often called imaginary numbers, they often become suspect, seen as mathematicians playthings. This is far from the truth, although not easy to prove. If you were to spend some time in a university library looking through physics, engineering, and chemistry journals or through books in these disciplies, you would find many applications of complex numbers. But this is difficult, since the uses are often buried under a lot of terminology. Complex numbers enter into studies of physical phenomena in unexpected ways. There is, for example, a differential equation with coefficients like a, b, and c in the quadratic formula, which models how electrical circuits or forced spring/damper systems behave. A car equipped with shock absorbers and going over a bump is an example of the latter. The behavior of the differential equations depends upon whether the roots of a certain quadratic are complex or real. If they are complex, then certain behaviors can be expected. These are often just the solutions that one wants. In modeling the flow of a fluid around various obstacles, like around a pipe, complex analysis is very valuable to transforming the problem to a much simpler problem. When economic systems or large structures of beams put together with rivets are analyzed for strength, some very large matrices are used in the modeling. The eigenvalues and eigenvectors of these matrices are important in the analysis of such systems. The character of the eigenvalues, whether real or complex, determines the behavior of the system. For example, will the structure resonate under certain loads. In everyday use, industrial and university computers spend a significant portion of their time solving polynomial equations. The roots of such equations are of interest, whether they are real or complex.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Growing up Around Agriculture :: essays research papers

I believe everyone has been born to do something. I was born to be a veterinarian. People tell me that I will probably end up changing my degree choice â€Å"twenty seven times† before I even graduate form college. I believe otherwise. I have grown up on a farm with filled with adopted animals of all kinds- rabbits, pigeons, goats, frogs, dogs, chickens, cats, cattle, and an iguana. Ever since I was seven I new I was born to become a veterinarian. This past year I was hired to work at the veterinarian clinic in Bullard. Within one month I got to help de-claw a cat and watch many surgeries. I learned how to medicate animals without getting bit, give hydrotherapy, and many other things. My title was kennel attendant and I still tried to help and learn up front, in surgery, when I finished the kennel. I always watched for depressed animals especially the ones that went though surgery, because sometimes with out the tender care they needed they would not eat and lose weight. Just recently I have been accepted to Texas A&M University I have also decided my degree choice will be biomedical science. With a biomedical science degree I have over fifty career choices I can go into. Also, this is my backup plan if I am not accepted into vet. School right away. The choices of careers range form agricultural economist, animal breeder, dentist, game manager, veterinarian assistant, and even zoologist. I have decided that what ever my career will be, it will be in agriculture and will deal with animals. Animals are so interesting and tricky they can’t tell you what is wrong with them like people can. With animals you have to find out for yourself. In the degree that I am seeking I know there will be a lot of science to take. Science has always come natural to me, possibly because you can actually see the product and touch it. I plan to become a veterinarian not just for the love of animals but for the science and knowledge also. The dissecting of animals has always been interesting to me. It is a whole new world that I can wait to explore even more. It is amazing how God made living creatures. I just want to help keep them form getting sick and doctoring them when they do. This scholarship would help my parents and I a lot. Growing up Around Agriculture :: essays research papers I believe everyone has been born to do something. I was born to be a veterinarian. People tell me that I will probably end up changing my degree choice â€Å"twenty seven times† before I even graduate form college. I believe otherwise. I have grown up on a farm with filled with adopted animals of all kinds- rabbits, pigeons, goats, frogs, dogs, chickens, cats, cattle, and an iguana. Ever since I was seven I new I was born to become a veterinarian. This past year I was hired to work at the veterinarian clinic in Bullard. Within one month I got to help de-claw a cat and watch many surgeries. I learned how to medicate animals without getting bit, give hydrotherapy, and many other things. My title was kennel attendant and I still tried to help and learn up front, in surgery, when I finished the kennel. I always watched for depressed animals especially the ones that went though surgery, because sometimes with out the tender care they needed they would not eat and lose weight. Just recently I have been accepted to Texas A&M University I have also decided my degree choice will be biomedical science. With a biomedical science degree I have over fifty career choices I can go into. Also, this is my backup plan if I am not accepted into vet. School right away. The choices of careers range form agricultural economist, animal breeder, dentist, game manager, veterinarian assistant, and even zoologist. I have decided that what ever my career will be, it will be in agriculture and will deal with animals. Animals are so interesting and tricky they can’t tell you what is wrong with them like people can. With animals you have to find out for yourself. In the degree that I am seeking I know there will be a lot of science to take. Science has always come natural to me, possibly because you can actually see the product and touch it. I plan to become a veterinarian not just for the love of animals but for the science and knowledge also. The dissecting of animals has always been interesting to me. It is a whole new world that I can wait to explore even more. It is amazing how God made living creatures. I just want to help keep them form getting sick and doctoring them when they do. This scholarship would help my parents and I a lot.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Hard Hits in Womens Tennis Industry Causes a Racket Essays -- Explora

Hard Hits in Women's Tennis Industry Causes a Racket From sunrise to sunset, I constantly hit fuzzy balls over the net. At age eight, my plan was to be a professional women's tennis player, so I figured that I needed to start training now. Wanting to be just like Martina Hingis, I loved to watch how she could hit the ball with such pace and accuracy. Some of the best women athletes drive themselves to participate in this grueling sport, and, although tennis was once not the most popular sport, I still wanted to be one of these women. Throughout history, women competing in sports has been debated, and women were once excluded from sports entirely. Luckily, I was not born in this era. Within the last century, women have made complicated advances towards being created equal in sports. Broer discusses how women were once degraded from playing sports since the physical activity was considered unlady-like and masculine, but times are changing. When women tried to participate in athletic competitions, they were labeled as inferiors to the men and were thought to be unfeminine. The reason for this was the difference in upbringing of men and women. Men were taught to show evidence of physical strength and control; while on the other hand, women were expected to develop physical attributes and domestic abilities (201-223). Women broke through these stereotypical thoughts of being homemakers during the second part of feminism. This was precisely when doors began to open, and playing courts were allowing the shift in sports. Women's tennis was gaining national and global attention. The combination of elegance and athleticism in tennis was thought to be perfect for women. Women were only allowed to play in mixed gender tournaments.... 2002 Aug 1. 2004 March 17. <>. Smith, Lisa. Nike is a Goddess: the History of Women in Sports. New York: Atlantic Monthly Pr., 1998: 135-149 "Special Report: Women and Minorities in Tennis". Tennis Industry. 1997 March/April. 14 March 2004. <>. Tennis Channel Quotes. 10 March 2004. 10 March 2004. <>. "The Tennis Channel". Lexisnexis. 8 Jan. 2004. 15 March 2004. <>. "Two-handed or One-handed Backhand?" United States High School Tennis Association. 17 March 2004. <>.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Hamlet’s Sanity Answered Through Freudian Theories Essay

Sigmund Freud was the founder of modern psychology. and throughout his life he produced theories about the human mind that were revolutionary for his time. His thoughts about human sexuality, the conscious and subconscious mind, the structure of the mind, and psychotherapeutic techniques are the basis of human psychology. (Thornton) Freudian theories about human behaviour and the human mind are commonly used in psychology today. His theories, in one way or another, can apply to every person living or dead. Although Sigmund Freud lived centuries after William Shakespeare wrote his play Hamlet, Freudian theories can also be applied to the main character Hamlet and explain his sometime erratic behaviour. Through his theories of the Oedipal Complex, transference psychology, and the defence mechanisms, Hamlet’s behaviour can be better understood, and therefore help answer the question of his sanity. According to Freud, men and boys go through what he calls the Oedipal Complex, the theory stating that they subconsciously have sexual feelings for their mothers. (â€Å"Oedipus Complex (psychology)†)According to this theory, these feelings grow from the strong connection that children already have with their mothers from infancy. Mothers provide protection, love, and support that makes a young child automatically attached to them. (â€Å"Oedipus Complex†) When a child hits the age of sexual awakening, aged three to six, children will create an erotic attachment to the parent, generally, of the opposite sex. (â€Å"Oedipus Complex (psychology)†) Although the feelings are not fully recognized by the child they are present in their subconscious mind. (â€Å"Oedipus Complex†) Once this attachment is developed, a young boy will feel like they are competing for the affection of their mothers with their fathers. Boys may become jealous of any affection given to their fathers and may lead to them wanting to exclude their fathers so that all attention is on them. Once they hit puberty, the boy will learn to change the way he loves his mother to be less romantic, and not be as concerned with the competition with his father. However, through this transition, a boy will find that anyone he feels sexually attracted to, may remind him of his mother. (â€Å"Oedipus Complex†) Also, for some boys the relationship they have with their mother is the first close female relationship they have. Any  female relationships boys have, sexual and otherwise, will always be compared to the relationship that they have with their mother. (â€Å"Oedipus Complex (psychology)†) The Oedipus Complex has many parallels to Hamlet because of Hamlet’s relationship with his mother Gertrude. Hamlet’s father dies and Gertrude marries his uncle Claudius. Hamlet has a strange connection to their marriage and often talks about their sex life. â€Å"She married. O, most wicked speed, to post/With such dexterity to incestuous sheets!† (Shakespeare I.ii.156-7). Hamlet begins to struggle with the thought of his mother having sex with another man, and goes back to his competition for affection because of his feelings. According to Freud’s theory, by losing his father, Hamlet feels he should no longer have to compete for Gertrude’s affection because his only other competition is now dead. Claudius ruins this by marrying his mother and Hamlet, has to start the whole competition over again. This leads Hamlet back to a sexual awakening, this time with a much more disturbing, more complex version. This new sexual awakening heightens Hamlet’s affection for his mother to real romantic feelings. This also leads Hamlet back into jealousy of the other parent. Hamlet becomes jealous of the fact that Claudius gets to be with Gertrude because it is a desire that he will never be able fulfill. Hamlet tries to make Claudius look bad in front of Denmark because when addressed Hamlet only answers with â€Å"A little more kin and less than kind† (I.ii.64). Hamlet takes his jealousy and sarcastically answers showing his feelings towards both Claudius, and Claudius’ marriage to his mother. His passive aggressive attitudes towards Claudius show that he feels threatened and jealous of him and therefore representing the Oedipal Complex against his stepfather. His relationship with Ophelia also shows an Oedipal Complex because the relationship he has with his mother changes how he feels about Ophelia. As said previously, Hamlet does not approve of his mother’s marriage and often thinks of her marriage as being â€Å"incestuous† (I.ii.157). During the third act, Hamlet verbally attacks Ophelia because he sees similarities between her and Gertrude. Hamlet has lost Gertrude’s main attention and affection and therefore feels betrayed by his mother. He thinks that his mother is  deceptive and that she is betraying his father. He sees these same qualities in Ophelia and yells at her â€Å"God has given you one face and you make yourself another† (III.i.148). Even though Ophelia is not being deceiving he connects her to Gertrude just because she is female. This parallel the Oedipus Complex because the relationship with his mother affected his relationship with Ophelia. His connection with women will never be strong because of the respect he lost for his mother when she married Claudius. Freud’s transference psychology theory can also be applied to Hamlet and help better comprehend his mind. The transference psychology theory says that your unconscious mind will redirect feelings for one person subconsciously to the next. Freud thought that this transfer of feelings was an â€Å"important part of psychotherapeutic work† (Vollmer). The redirection of feelings also occurs through the loss of a vital person in one’s life, such as a parent, sibling, or other role model. By losing one of these, the mind attaches these feelings onto another. Parental transference is when father or father-figure feelings are transferred onto a person. Fathers are meant to be authoritative, wise, powerful, and protective. By projecting father feelings onto a person, the expectation is that they will provide this comfort. (â€Å"Transference†) Hamlet’s relationship with Claudius represents this theory because after the death of Hamlet Sr., Hamlet subconsciously places his fatherly feelings on Claudius. This has a negative affect because of his conscious hatred for Claudius and the way he acts towards him. â€Å"How is it that the clouds still hang on you?† is fatherly comforting that Claudius tries because he knows that he is now a father figure to him (I.ii.65). He knows that Hamlet is lacking this role and tries to step into the role for him but fails. Hamlet refuses to acknowledge Claudius as his father and only acknowledges Gertrude as a parental role, â€Å"Ay, madam, it is common† (I.ii.73). He can’t accept Claudius as his father and therefore only chooses to use his maternal role model instead. This leads to negative transference because he begins to lose the paternal role that is essential in his life. Hamlet also has a negative transference because fathers are always meant to make you feel safe. Hamlet is unable to feel safe because his father, Hamlet Sr., was a much better  protector in Hamlet’s eyes. He compares Claudius to his father and can not understand how Gertrude can be in love with them both: Where every god did seem to set his seal To give the world assurance of a man: This was your husband. Look you now, what follows: Here is your husband, like a mildewed ear, Blasting his wholesome brother. Have you eyes? (III.iv.69-73) The fact the Gertrude could be in love with a man as great as Hamlet Sr. and then move onto a failure like Claudius is a complete mystery to Hamlet. The transference of feeling will never be able to be positive for Hamlet because he has no faith, trust, or respect for Claudius. Even though transference is a part of the subconscious mind, Hamlet’s conscious mind will not allow these subconscious feelings to come to the surface. Freud developed theories with his daughter Anna as well, and together they created the defense mechanisms humans go through to protect themselves from anxiety and stress. (McLeod) Your mind can go into these defenses to protect itself from too much grief, or anxiety and through the different stages of defense your body will behave in different ways. The mind will do this to ward off any feelings that are unpleasant to deal with. They are called defense mechanisms because they are methods that the brain goes through to protect itself from anything unpleasant. One of the earliest stages of defense is displacement, which means placing feelings on someone who the issue has nothing to do with. An example can be, having a bad day at work and taking out anger on family and friends at home. Often this results in anger against the innocent person and may go farther than expected. Another form of defense is repression which occurs when bad memories are blocked from the mind to forget about bad memories. Children often do this if they grow up in abusive homes and may lead to them remembering nothing from their childhood. One of the final stages of defense is regression, which often helps a person get over the grief that they are facing. Regression is when a person goes back to child-like behavior to mask their true feelings and what they are thinking. This can lead to middle-aged men behaving like toddlers just to hide their feelings and protect themselves against more painful or  stressful thoughts. (McLeod) Throughout the play Hamlet goes through these stages to protect himself against dealing with the recent death of his father. Hamlet is told that his grief over his father’s death has been â€Å"unmanly grief† meaning that he needs to be a man and get rid of the feelings he is having (I.ii.94). Hamlet can not simply get rid of the feelings of grief over the loss of his father so he goes through the defense mechanisms to mask his feelings. The first that happens is displacement, when he gets angry at Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. Hamlet is so angry with Claudius he insults his childhood friends and gets angry with them. â€Å"I am glad of it: a knavish speech sleeps in a foolish ear† is the intelligent sarcastic remark used on Rosencrantz and Guildenstern in which Hamlet calls them unintelligent (IV.ii.21-22). Although the king fools them into spying on Hamlet, they do not realize what they are doing and do it anyway. When Hamlet finds out that Claudius is behind it, however gets angry at his friends instead. Freud would look at this and realize that Hamlet is taking his anger out on them because he does not have the option or the time to get angry with Claudius. He displaces his anger on the wrong people, who are left confused and hurt. He also goes through repression because of his high expectations and ideas of his father. Hamlet Sr. never appears in the play and therefore only Hamlet’s view of him is known. Hamlet Sr. may have been an awful father and may have paid less attention to Hamlet than Claudius. Since this would be a horrible and painful way to remember him, Hamlet chooses to think of him on the same level as â€Å"Hyperion† or as â€Å"Mars† both are strong, powerful men who are looked up to in their society. It is much easier and less painful for Hamlet to remember his father this way (III.iv.64) (III.iv.65). The stage Hamlet is in at Ophelia’s funeral is regression because of his behavior and fight with Laertes. Laertes has just lost his father and sister within a short period of time and is overcome with grief. Hamlet finds out the news of Ophelia’s death and instead of respecting Laertes in a difficult time for him, Hamlet acts like a child and tries to make all of the attention on him. He makes a foolish argument that â€Å"he loved Ophelia: forty thousand brothers/Could not† (V.i.261). He resorts to a childish argument to hide his grief that he has now lost the love of his life Ophelia. Through Freud’s theories of the Oedipal Complex, transference psychology, and the defence mechanisms, Hamlet’s behaviour can be better understood, and therefore help answer the question of his sanity. Hamlet has not lost his sanity in the way he is perceived because Hamlet is simply behaving in the simple human psychological ways that Freud claimed to be normal. Hamlet’s relationship with his mother is just an extreme version of the Oedipal Complex; his hostility to Claudius was because he fails to fill the paternal role he needs, and the way he behaves towards others were simply his mind protecting him from anxiety and grief he felt after the loss of his father. Through the eyes of Freud, Hamlet’s behaviour would be just normal human behaviour.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Leadership Styles of Ho Chi Minh and Ngo Dinh Diem

Question: In the context of the Vietnamese society as the course has presented it through the online textbook so far, what evaluation can be made about the leadership styles and personal examples of Ho Chi Minh and Ngo Dinh Diem that would enable both of them to tap into the hearts and minds of the Vietnamese people and mobilize support for their initiatives? Why, in Vietnam, was personal leadership so very important? Refer to specific examples IntroductionThe Geneva Accords that took place in 1954 put an end to the First Indochina War and the beginning of two Vietnamese territories separated by a line of demarcation at 17th parallel: The Communist North or Democratic Republic of Vietnam with its capital in Hanoi and the Anti-Communist South or Republic of Vietnam with its capital in Saigon. Ho Chi Minh was in control of the North, while Ngo Dihn Diem commanded the South. Nevertheless, both differ in ideologies, and leadership, but with the common goal to bring freedom to Vietnam.In this essay, the leadership of both commanders in chief, in the context of Vietnamese society will be evaluated. This paper will show the reasons which help them to mobilize support for their initiative by using examples and facts. Analysis Ho Chi Minh is a charismatic leader. He has an inordinate level of power and an emotional impact on his audience. He inspires the Vietnamese with the use of his political charisma. He uses this charismatic charm internationally and domestically.He projects the image of a simple, humble, and passionate old man who puts a great touch of wisdom in what he does. This is what helps grow around him a charismatic cult. Ho Chi Minh was a fervent democrat who shares the belief that the will of the people must always be served and allowed to prevail. To mention a quotation from Ho: â€Å"If people in an independent country do not enjoy happiness and freedom then independence has no meaning. † Ho Chi Minh is also a communist. Karl Marx  and other le ftist writers fascinate Ho Chi Minh who, at the end, joins communism.Ho is one of the founders of the  French Communist Party, who is inspired by the  Russian Revolution and created in 1920. He visits the Soviet Union in 1924 where he writes to a friend and states that it is the duty of all communists to return to their own country to make contact with the masses to awaken, organize, unite and train them, and lead them to fight for freedom and independence. The quality of his leadership and the ability to apply communist ideologies to his country, desperate for change, ultimately strengthens Vietnamese nationalism and win him support from the entire nation.Furthermore, Ho Chi Minh is a nationalist. During his entire life, Ho Chi Minh has been pursuing Vietnamese independence from France. He travels to France; there he goes to school, and incessantly writes letters to the French government, and tries to involucrate himself into the French governmental system. Ho also travels arou nd the world trying to get help elsewhere in order to gain Vietnamese independence. Ho Chi Minh has developed nationalism among the Vietnamese people and mobilized them to fight for their independence.Therefore, he has a large reputation as a nationalist hero. His perseverance and determination inspire the Vietnamese nation and win their faith and support. Ngo Dihn Diem is an autocratic leader who opposed the French Colonialism and Communism. Ngo Dihn Diem opposes the French colonial rule and the Viet Minh, during and after the Second World War, which was the communist-led national independence movement. As a strong anticommunist, he rejects an offer to serve in Ho Chi Minh’s brief postwar government in 1945.While the  First Indochina War is taking place, he spends several years in exile, trying to gain supports and ally politically with the Americans in hopes of leading a postwar government. He believes that his nation craves for a benevolent, authoritarian rule of enlight ened elites. Ngo Dihn Diem shows favoritism for Roman Catholics. Ngo Dihn Diem is a devout catholic, member of Vietnamese catholic minority and the brother of their leading archbishop. He tends to appoint people who share his religious beliefs to positions of authority.Catholics always hold a privileged position in Vietnam; they are exempt from land redistribution and given more aid and job promotions. At some point, the Catholic Church was the largest landowner in the country and most of the officials were Catholics. In his visit to Australia in 1957, Diem signals that he will discuss defense relations. Nevertheless, his extensive meeting with the catholic leaders prevents him from discussing defense relations. Therefore, his policies have always favored his co-religionists. ConclusionIn conclusion, we can say that the Vietnamese were craving for independence. To some extents that it would not really matter to them, if communism, democracy, or autocracy were the mechanisms used to help them reach that freedom they have hoped for so long. After the French Indochina War, two leaders such as Ho Chi Minh and Ngo Dihn Diem who share the same goal to set Vietnam free, but they differ from their ideology and politics. Ho Chi Minh was more of a charismatic leader, a nationalist who use communism as an engine to save his nation from oppression.Ngo Dihn Diem, other hand, was an autocratic leader, and uses his anti-communist propaganda, his religious beliefs and influences to reach the same goal. For that reason, it was not so difficult for them to gain the heart, the mind, and the supports of the Vietnamese who just wanted to be free.References Moss, G. D. (2010). Vietnam: An American Ordeal. New Jersey, Saddle River: Pearson Education Willner, A. R. (1984). The Spellbinders–Charismatic Political Leadership. New Haven& London: Yale University Press. Henderson W. , & Fishel W. R. (1966). The Foreign Policy of Ngo Dinh Diem. VietnamPerspectives. 2(1)

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Life of Human Beings Without Fresh Water Essay

Fresh water is naturally occurring water on the Earth ‘s surface in ice sheets, ice caps, glaciers, ponds, lakes, rivers and streams, and underground as groundwater and underground streams. Fresh water is generally characterized by having low concentrations of dissolved salts and other total dissolved solids. The term specifically excludes seawater and brackish water. A human body can survive 8-14 days without water depending on the person. First of all our very existence will be in danger in the absence of fresh drinking water. Besides we will not get the much needed source of irrigation for our fields and as a result there could be lot of scarcity of food. So we will face a situation of food crisis. Water running in rivers is tapped and big dams are constructed and hydropower is produced. Moreover river transport system is not possible in case water stop flowing in rivers. Although plenty of water is available in oceans but that is not fit to be consumed by human beings as it is salty. At last in situation of extinction of fresh water resources, human beings will have to desalinate the sea water which is very costly affair. Lot of poor people will die as they will not be able to afford this type of water obtained through desalination plants. Moreover many types of diseases may occur due to consumption of sea water. In nutshell human beings will face a very difficult time in case they have to line without fresh water. Water is a finite resource which means that the total amount of water in the planet is only limited. Its supply remains the same and yet human population recently grows resulting to a decrease of available amount of freshwater per person. The relatively small amount of available freshwater elaborates on how critical it is for everyone to help preserve and maintain clean, healthy lakes and streams, our sources of water. Water is mostly now being wasted because it is under-priced. We do not realize the significance of it. Also, the uneven distribution of water resources has led to the stage of scarcity in a number of regions. Freshwater provides water for drinking, sanitation, agriculture, transport, electricity generation and recreation. It also creates habitats for a diverse range of animals and plants. There is no way we can live without freshwater supply. Our freshwater resources could eventually deplete if not protected now some way. Truth is we cannot live or function on a daily basis without the use of freshwater supply. It circulates and goes through our bodies, replenishing nutrients and carrying away waste materials. Now think of the scenario where human beings have to live without water.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

To What Extent Did Stalin Establish a Personal Dictatorship in the Years 1929

To what extent did Stalin establish a personal dictatorship in the years 1929-1939? Between 1929 and 1930 Stalin used various ways to establish a personal dictatorship. This allowed Stalin to establish a personal dictatorship in these years. In order to do this Stalin instituted a party purge to silence the opposition of Riutin and his supporters, the assassination of Kirov, executed delegated party congresses, The trial of the twenty-one and general Purges. A purge was the systematic elimination of opponents by Stalin, The assassination of Kirov allowed Stalin to use it as an excuse to begin the purges. In 1932, Kirov had helped to defeat Stalin on an important issue concerning Mikhail Riutin, who had circulated a document that was highly critical of Stalin. Stalin was furious and demanded Ruitins execution. However the central committee and the politburo refused to order Ruitins execution, Stalin viewed this as a betrayal. In December 1934, Kirov was murdered by Nikolayev who claimed was working for a secret terror group who wanted to overthrow the soviet government; however Zinoviev and Kamenev were arrested for the conspiracy of Kirov’s Murder. This murder rid Stalin of his most powerful rival, whilst allowing him to imprison two of his old opponents, basically â€Å"two birds with one stone†. The Murder of Kirov allowed Stalin to establish dictatorship because with the death of Kirov, it gave Stalin an excuse to purge and the purges became more systematic and far-reaching. In the spring of 1937, Stalin argued that the conspiracy against the Soviet people was not restricted to the forty or so people involved in the show trials, and so the start of the purges against the party and army began. The effects on the party were dramatic. Between 1934 and 1938, some 330,000 party members were convicted of being enemies of the people. Stalin had never fully trusted the Red Army because the majority of its senior officers had been appointed by his arch rival, Trotsky. For this reason Stalin feared that the military might try to seize power. In June 1937 eight Generals were tired. In the following eighteen months, 34,000 soldiers were purged from the army. This silenced the opposition of Riutin and his supporters. With this Stalin had no problems to establish a personal dictatorship as his opponents would have been in fear to rise up or oppose against Stalin’s ideas. The Trail of the twenty-one in 1938 was the trial of Bukharin, Rykov and their accomplices. The defendants were accused of attempting to overthrow socialism and of the murder of Kirov, Bukharin was personally charged with attempting to assassinate Lenin. Bukharin tried to prove his loyalty to Stalin but failed on several occasions. Bukharin confessed to political responsibility for the crimes of which he was accused, however Bukharin never confessed to trying to assassinate Lenin. All attempts failed and Bukharin was sentenced to death. With the execution of Zinoviev, Kamenev and Bukharin, Stalin had shown that there will be no mercy for those who opposed his power. With the elimination of Bukharin and the right, Stalin had no opposition to prevent him from gaining power. The show trials targeted the previous generation of the Communist Party. The Purges of 1937 wiped out younger members of the party, and dealt with unreliable elements within the army. A general purge of the Russian people kept the country in a state of fear and obedience. This enabled Stalin to establish a personal dictatorship as he eliminated any future rivals and kept Russia in a state of fear to prevent uprising. To conclude Stalin used various ways to establish personal dictatorship between 1929 – 1939. The Murder of Kirov allowed him to begin the purges as an excuse which allowed him to suppress his opponents. With the assasination of Kirov, Stalin was free of his rival and was able to lock away Zinoviev and Kamenev; however this was only the start to which he established a personal dictatorship. The main reason I believe that allowed him to establish a personal dictatorship was the trial of twenty one. This trial rid of him his rivals and allowed him to eliminate the right. The trail gave him power and sent fear into anyone who tried to oppose him.

A grade AS English Language Commentary example

I wrote a speech directed at college students persuading them to think about the importance of being healthy. I was inspired by the use of rhetorical questions used in Tim Ryan’s ‘Draft’. For example in the first paragraph I say ‘so is that all? Is that the definition of health? This causes the listener to think about what I’m saying which links to my target audience as young people can often lose interest during long spoken dialogue. By doing this I am keeping their attention. I used a large amount of pronouns similar to Barack Obama’s 2012 Victory Speech. Examples of this are ‘our, ‘we’ve and ‘ourselves’. The possessive personal plural pronouns create the impression that I am in the same situation and share points the view of the listener. This is effective because young people don’t like to be segregated or talked down to. By including myself in the points made I make the speech more relatable. Syntactic parallelism is a feature in Tim Ryans ‘Draft’ that I have taken inspiration from. This is shown in my speech in the opening paragraph, ‘This is not a lecture. This is not a five point analysis with acronyms and flashy PowerPoints ’ . By repeating the words ‘this is not’ at the start of each sentence, rules out negative possibilities based on their previous experiences. Similar to in Alexander Stephens ‘Succession is Height of Madness’ imagery is used in my speech. For example, ‘†¦ anorexic teenagers but have we not been fed piles and piles of information†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ the adjective ‘anorexic’ contrasts with the verb phrase ‘been fed’ and the metaphorical use of ‘fed piles of information’ which link back to the concept of health. This relates to my target audience as they like to use their imagination to make things more interesting and engaging. I have used pragmatics in my speech to gain support in my argument. For example, I used ‘ping’, BB’ and the phrase ‘Google it’ a noun which has been changed by young people into a verb. This is effective in emphasising that my speech relates to my target audience. Phonologically, I put stress on the modal auxiliary ‘will’ to add dynamic to the tone and create a sense of urgency to persuade my target audience that it is a problem that needs to be solved. Repetition, a dominant feature in persuasive speeches, appears in all my style models including Franklin Roosevelt’s Inaugural Speech. I repeated the abstract noun ‘health’. For example, ‘our health’ and ‘definition of health’ allow me to address that health is the central topic in my speech. Repetition is effective in my speech as it’s a popular way of learning and creating habits. I changed some words during the editing process of my speech because feedback from my teacher showed that some of my lexis was inappropriate like ‘obtuse’ which I change to ‘unattainable’ and ‘mankind’ which changed to ‘people’. This is better for college students as it’s lexis that is used and understood by them.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Diabetes Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3

Diabetes - Research Paper Example Based on the level of insulin secreted, diabetes is classified under three types: 1. Type 1 diabetes, which is present from childhood, in which the body secretes little or no insulin. This is also referred to as insulin dependent diabetes and genetics, viruses or autoimmune problems with the islet cells have been proposed as major causes for this type of diabetes. 2. The type 2 diabetes is a more common form of the disease which manifests only in adulthood when the islet cells begin to secrete less amounts of insulin or the body does not respond well to the secreted insulin. Increasing lifestyle changes such as lack of body exercise and food habits have been considered to be the major causative factors along with a genetic predisposition to the disease. 3. The third and an increasing occurring type is gestational diabetes wherein the mother develops the type 2 form of the disease during pregnancy which increases the risk for both the mother and the developing infant. (Diabetes, 2010) Genetic factors In the case of type 1 diabetes, which is present from childhood, studies have shown that more than 20 regions of the genome might be responsible for genetic susceptibility to the disease. Increased risk to the disease has been found to be associated with the genes present in the HLA region of chromosome 6 which includes HLA-DR, DQ, and DP. The various haplotypes of these genes are associated with increased risk for the disease in various populations and the presence of two such haplotypes together further compounds the risk for the disease. In addition, the presence of variants of the INS (insulin) gene located in chromosome 11, also predisposes the individual for the disease. Another gene that have been associated with the disease include variants of the CTLA-4 (cytotoxic T-lymphocyte associated 4) gene which is located on chromosome 2. The genes associated with type 2 diabetes are those which are involved in pancreatic beta-cell function, insulin action, metabolis m of glucose and other conditions such as lipid metabolism and energy uptake and release. Some of the candidate genes for the disease include PPAR?, ABCC8, KCNJ11, and CALPN10. In the case of maturity-onset diabetes of the young, which is the type 2 form of the disease that occurs before 25 years of age, is linked to mutations that occur in at least 6 genes which are associates with beta cell function as all the genes are expressed within the islet cells of the pancreas (Genetics and Diabetes, n.d). Psychological aspects of the disease The initial response of the individual to the disease is associated with shock and anger as it is a lifelong condition and demands a lot of restrictions and a strict life style for controlling the disease. Beginning with food restrictions and following a routine of walking and exercise, the condition also requires continuous follow-ups and is also interlinked with various other illnesses. The long term nature of the disease has also been linked to dev elopment of anxiety and depression which in turn depend on their ability to cope with the limitations imposed by the disease. Such individuals also often feel isolated and dependent on people for their daily activities, which would be more obvious in case of children (Chandra, 1997). Medical and psychological interventions The presence of diabetes needs to be confirmed through proper diagnostic and screening procedures. Diagnostic tests are taken

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Assessment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Assessment - Assignment Example Industrial Chemicals, lastly, provide scientifically enrich and tested chemical products. All in all, the company makes use of the best talent in the sector to keep up with the innovative and unique features it provides. Synthomer also works in the chemical industry and deals mainly in production of polymers. Synthomer was established in 1952 with headquarters in Harlow, UK. Both companies keep innovation and technology at the heart of their operations and compete greatly in the global business market. Both the companies have followed International Accounting Standards (IAS) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) to prepare the financial reports. They use different accounting policies for the accounts, for instance, Synthomer calculates depreciation on straight line basis over the estimated useful life of an asset and Croda values tangible fixed assets at cost or valuation less depreciation. The accounting policies differ for each account but they remain compliant with the UK accounting standards and companies law 2006. For the purpose of this assignment, the financial statements of both the companies are extracted from their official website. The information important for the analysis is extracted and summarized in the excel sheet for clarity and ease of use. The analysis covers information from three recent years i.e. 2011, 2012 and 2013. Both the companies belong to the same industry and work in more or less the same product lines. For financial analysis, ratio analysis was used. Ratio analysis is done under 5 main heads namely Liquidity, Leverage, Coverage, Activity and Profitability. The analysis involves comprehensive assessment of the results measured. An analysis is made using personal knowledge and understanding about the issues. The report ends by concluding on the results of comparative analysis. Current

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

The Importance of Vehicle Safety in the Contemporary Period Research Paper

The Importance of Vehicle Safety in the Contemporary Period - Research Paper Example Drunk driving is forbidden in most of the countries across the world owing to its immense potential to cause harm not only to the drunk driver but also to the other drivers and passers-by. When an individual is drunk, he/she loses the consciousness level that is required to drive prudently. Overcome with emotions and sleepiness, the individual takes sharp turns and drives at a very fast speed. Many people tend to drive after drinking thinking that they are too trained to be caught in an accident. A vast majority of the drunk drivers are quite expert at driving, but when the individual is not fully conscious, the driving skill becomes a secondary factor. What the driver primarily requires is control over the senses. A drunk driver does not even realize when he/she sped up more than necessary, and in the very moment, was caught in the accident. Wearing a seat belt seems a formality to a lot of drivers and many consider it too simple a protective measure to be efficient, though it is a fundamental necessity of driving. The seat belt is a shock absorber. It holds the driver back and keeps the head from smashing against the front mirror or the steering in the instant when the car suddenly strikes against something or is caught in an accident. Whenever a car suddenly stops, the lower part of the body stops with it while the upper part keeps moving at the same speed due to inertia. Thus, drivers that do not wear the seat belt get their heads crashed while the lower part of the body remains intact. But since the head is wounded, it means the brain is wounded. The human brain is amongst the most sensitive body organs and is of prime importance since it controls the body functions. Any damage to the brain cannot be sustained by the body. This is the reason why a vast majority of the drivers getting wounds in the head died at the sp ot. Thus, wearing a safety belt while driving is a must.  

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Analysis of the Silicon Valley Context for Entrepreneursip and Essay

Analysis of the Silicon Valley Context for Entrepreneursip and Innovation - Essay Example High-tech giants such as Microsoft, Google, Cisco, eBay, Pixar, and many other commonly known technology-based companies all call Silicon Valley home. In recent years, such groundbreaking advances as digital video recording and high speed wireless internet have been part of a non-stop stream of innovations that have facilitated a new way of life based on mobile and on-demand telecommunications capabilities. Other important advances have reshaped the way we utilize the internet, further integrating it into the normal course of our day-to-day existence. This extraordinary success not only devising hi-tech advances, but also bringing them to market in a wildly successful way, has rendered the Silicon Valley economy the envy of the world. Web innovations have been the latest hot developments to come out of Silicon Valley. Levy and Stone (2006) maintain that innovative new websites such as MySpace and Flickr â€Å"are milestones in a new high-tech wave reminiscent of the craziness of the early dot-com days. This rebooting owes everything to the enhanced power and pervasiveness of the Web, which has finally matured to the point where it can fulfill some of the outlandish promises that we heard in the ‘90s.† Some refer to this latest phase in the evolution of the internet as â€Å"Web 2.0.† This new web generation holds great promise for a stream of innovative new solutions that will redefine the extent to which the internet is integrated into daily life. â€Å"Aided by faster broadband connections, consumers are using the web more than ever and are publishing their own content to it in droves. At the same time, the web is morphing into a platform for applications that once existed only on computers – such as marketing and customer support tools for businesses – and providing a new distribution for products† (Bazeley 2005). The exuberance resulting from this success has certainly not come without cost. The 1990s produced a glut of dot-com

Monday, September 9, 2019

The Importance of Water and the Hydrologic Cycle Essay

The Importance of Water and the Hydrologic Cycle - Essay Example NRDC arranged to test 1000 portable water bottles comprising of 103 brands available in the US market. NRDC conducted a detailed investigation that lasted for four years. Usually, producers of the bottled water maintain that their products are free of any chemical contaminants. Some of the samples collected were found to be contaminated with E-coli Bacteria, Arsenic, Nitrate, chloroform, phthalates, and some other kinds of bacteria that can cause serious illnesses to those who consume it. Infection with E-Coli bacteria can cause diarrhea, and vomit to children, elderly people and those who body immune system is weak. Substances such as Arsenic are considered carcinogenic and can lead to nervous, skin and reproductive issues. Nitrate interferes with blood's oxygen intake ability, especially in infants. Nitrates also increase cancer risk. The substance such as chloroform can cause cancer of the pancreas, colon; it may also cause miscarriage or birth defects in newborns (NRDC, 2013).NRD C clarifies that not all brands were contaminated with harmful substances. Almost 25% of the bottled water, with at least one sample tested of each brand, was found to be violating state standards. Some of them were comparable to tap water; however, NRDC clarifies that these brands are not without risk because most brands were tested only a few times; NRDC has called their tests as 'snapshot' tests. It is also likely that source water quality due to different surface water sources varies significantly time to time.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Affirmative action debate pt2 Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Affirmative action debate pt2 - Thesis Example The enforcement of affirmative action in admission into universities and higher education for those minority groups in the community will act to motivate those oppressed by the discrimination to join in the campaign for its implementation and to work even harder in school. Children of immigrant parents and children from poor families will benefit from the affirmative action. Awareness creation campaigns can be carried out through the media and at the local government level to ensure that the minority groups understand how they can benefit from the action and can therefore support the debate of implementing this action in all institutions of higher education. There has been existing stereotypes that only whites are high achievers and the elites of the US society. This has been majorly because the other races have not been having equal access to higher education equally as the white people. If affirmative action is enforced therefore, this will soon change and the stereotypes will be abolished. One way of ensuring this is by having the stereotyped races sign petitions for the implementation of this policy. If the signatures are more, the policy can be passed to be a law for all states and all institutions of higher learning. In most employment sectors (especially the prestigious jobs), there is domination by certain genders only and the other minority gender (mostly women) are crowded in lesser positions of authority. This has been the case because fewer women have been accessing certain causes in universities and colleges which may lead them to authority positions in the job market. Most women are concentrated in art courses, home economics and secretarial courses, whereas men are in the managerial and science courses. If affirmative action is present in admission into these institutions, there can be an equal number of men and women in certain professionals hence reducing the discrimination and

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Organisation Behaviour Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Organisation Behaviour - Case Study Example The disadvantages would be that collective forward progress is slower and lack of personal creativity due to compliance to common ideals. General Electric (GE) is one of the well-known corporations of the world. It is an enormously diversified company with its products ranging from telecommunication fibre optics to large Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) machines capable of projecting 3-D images of the human brain. It makes immense aircraft engines to and advices public to reduce their energy bills. Its ability to innovate and maintain impeccable quality has helped GE to remain a market leader and function as a successful organisation. Bureaucracy has been exhaustively discussed in organisational concepts. Ideally bureaucracy is symbolised by authority relations, recruitment by competence, and fixed salaries. Max Weber described it as technically superior to all other forms of organization and hence indispensable to large, complex enterprises. Weber's Principles of Bureaucracy proclaims the following of the principles of Divide labour into specialized expertise areas throughout the organization, Pyramid position defined by a hierarchy of authority and an explicit chain of command, Formal rules governing decisions and actions of everyone that allows continuity in event of personnel changes, Be detached with employees so that sentiments do not distort objective judgment and Select workers by their technical utility to rule out friendship or favouritism is ruled out, and advancement is by seniority and achievement. Rigid documentation is followed to keep tabs on progress and evaluate. However, bureaucratic organisations seem to stifle worker creativity since omni-present rules and regulations create no room for innovation and improvisation by the workers. The inability take quick decisions due to lack of authority also results in reduced productivity. This downside of bureaucracy especially in large organisations has made it questionable as to its rationality and efficiency. Its principles have also attached a connotation of disapproval to the terms bureaucratic and bureaucracy due to its incompetence and a lack of broad-mindedness. However, although it sounds improbable considering its successful image and culture today, GE was a struggling bureaucratic organisation in the 1990's. Too many layers and no decision-making capabilities characterized it. The organisation lagged behind in making timely strategic decisions. This success is attributed to what was essentially a single managerial decision made by Welch back in the mid-90's. Jack Welch joined the General Electric Company (GE) in 1960. Welch started work as an engineer in the plastics division. However although his immediate work environment was fast paced and exciting, he felt smothered by the bloated bureaucracy of the company. He could not function to his full ingenious limits, had to wait for management decisions on the smallest of tasks. He felt under valued, and was highly dissatisfied with the standard bonus he received. He found another job and almost quit but was persuaded to stay on by Reuben Gutoff, who saw his immense potential. Although he stayed on, Welch had not changed his mind about GE's administration, which he saw as unresponsive at best and debilitating at worst. Welch carried this experience in heart and his tenure at GE was the struggle